The AEGIS + project is in the implementation phase.
Procurement of most of the equipment has already proceeded, and the majority of the project partners have been selected and contracted.
Coastal Environment Observatory and Risk Management in Island Regions (AEGIS+)
The project "Coastal Environment Observatory and Risk Management in Island regions (AEGIS+)" (MIS 5047038), (MIS 5047038) is implemented within the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Enterpreneurship and Innovation” (NSRF 2014-2020), cofinanced by the Hellenic Government (Ministry of Development and Investments) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund).
The project is the product of a joint proposal of six Research Laboratories of the University of the Aegean and aims to establish a Regional Research Infrastructure in the North Aegean, with the following Strategic Objectives:
(i) to support environmental protection and sustainable development of the Aegean island
(ii) to make the North Aegean a pole of attraction for research and educational activities
(iii) to provide relevant services / products in the Aegean island area (initially mainly in the North Aegean), to
support vital socio-economic activities, and assist in the implementation of regional and national legal obligations for adaptation to the Climate Change of island regions; and
(iv) to supplement / strengthen other relevant national Infrastructures (eg HIMIOFoTS and ENIRISST).
Especially in relation to HIMIOFoTS, the AEGIS + infrastructure comes to bridge the area between open
sea and inland waters.
Actions have been planned for pilot applications of the research infrastructure and the development of innovative, specialized tools and platforms. Complete pilot surveys will be carried out with the new (and already existing) equipment in marine island environments with special environmental and socio-economic interest (initially) in the NE Aegean such as e.g. in the semi-enclosed bays of Gera, Kalloni and Moudros (but also in selected catchments), for the recording of geomorphological, hydrographic / hydrodynamic and bio-geochemical characteristics and benthic ecosystems. A numerical simulation model will be developed / evaluated to diagnose and predict the ecological status of these environments under changing conditions. There will be actions to record / monitor critical marine habitats and marine mammals. There will be a diagnosis / forecast of coastal erosion and coastal flood risk with state-of-the-art approaches / models for (initially) the NE Aegean islands under different Climate Change scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) and different periods the resurgence of extremes in the 21st century; these considerations are a national legal obligation under e.g. the Flood Risk Directive (2007/60 / EC, implementation decision). An interactive platform will be created that will contain the information collected / collected in the framework of the pilot actions of AEGIS + MARE in GIS environment, a list of links to other relevant databases and geospatial data platforms, as well as specialized interactive tools related to e.g. the flood risk under Climate Change.
There will also be actions to diagnose, communicate and manage other significant risks to island environments. Pilot platforms for analysis and communication / management of the most important land island environmental risks (fires (fireAEGIS) and land floods (waterAEGIS)) will be developed and piloted. Actions will be carried out for the development and pilot applications of specialized tools related to the communication / management of emergency situations in maritime transport (E-S.A.V.E) and the perception / management of risks (ANDREAS).
The development and pilot applications of AEGIS+ are expected to last 30 months. Research Laboratories with know-how and recognition from 4 Departments of the University of the Aegean participate. Collectively, the research teams and the University of the Aegean have proven the know-how, experience and management ability to develop the proposed research infrastructure in the predetermined time and budget and to ensure its continued operation after the end of the project.