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Our Undergraduate Studies Programme is "Fully Compliant" with the principles of HQA and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015)

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    Courses & Studies

    The Department of Marine Sciences offers a stimulating academic environment for Bachelor, Masters, and Ph.D. specialization degrees in Oceanography. Our modular degree courses and diverse research programs provide graduate and undergraduate students the opportunities to pursue focused marine science studies that have a real impact on society.

    The Department is the major focus for teaching and research in physical, chemical, geological and biological oceanography, fisheries management and aquaculture technology, offering applied science of economic relevance. The syllabus is delivered by leading academic experts that have strong and long-established links with a wide range of industry, academia and research partners, placing students at the forefront of marine research through observation, theory, modelling and technological innovation.

    undergraduate studies | graduate studies | Ph.D. research


    Oceanography course fundamentals

    No matter how you see it, Oceanography studies at DMS is the right choice:

    • hands-on experience through lectures, laboratory workshops, field trips, research vessel training, and individual thesis project
    • individual opportunities to tailor study direction towards particular scientific fields
    • links to national & international research programs and collaborations
    • superb study environment with close proximity to coastal waters and the Aegean arcipelago

    Excellent facilities

    In addition modern building facilitites and specialised biological, oceanographic, and hydroacoustic research equipment, DMS infrastructure includes a culture room for larval invertebrates and algae, a wet lab, as well as dedicated Biology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Geology, and Computer laboratories, manned by technical assistants that support our educational and research activities. | read more..

    Rewarding career options

    Our graduates are equipped with the academic and practical skills needed to respond to a wide range of rewarding careers in marine sciences, a field where new jobs are expanding internationally due to continuing advances in technology and a growing appreciation for the importance of the oceans to all life on earth. | read more..

    A superb place to study

    University studies are not only about lectures, exams, and dissertations, but also fun. Join us and benefit from our campus location at the island of Lesvos and its vivid community. | read more at our Visitors Information pages..