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  • Courses & Studies
  • Graduate program
  • M.Sc. Research in Marine Sciences
  • Master of Research in Marine Sciences

    Since the academic year 2018-19, the Department of Marine Sciences offers the MSc Course Program "Research in Marine Sciences", that is governed by a coherent interdisciplinary approach.

    The Course objectives are to:

    (i) provide theoretical background knowledge to conduct high level specialized research in the marine and coastal environment, in subjects related to natural and ecological processes, marine biosciences, protection and management of ecosystems and their resources, and sustainable development

    (ii) develop the academic skills and abilities of postgraduate students, and

    (iii) meet the global educational, research, social and developmental needs of the 21st century.


    Innovative approach

    In the M.Sc. Research in Marine Sciences (MSc ‘ReMS’) postgraduate students will conduct high quality research in Marine Sciences, which will be certified through the publication of a scientific article based on the research results of their Thesis.

    The study program includes

    (a) in the first semester, course modules that provide the necessary knowledge for a future researcher, focusing on general research methodologies and quantitative analysis, as well as on specialized research methods applied in Marine Sciences,  and

    (b) in the next two semesters, the undertaking of an individual research topic by each student under the supervision of a faculty member who is responsible for tutoring all research stages (literature review, formulation of original research questions, design and implementation of research, analysis of data collected, discussion of results) with the aim of producing and delivering an original research paper.

    Suitable Candidates

    Graduates of Departments of Marine Sciences, Environment, Oceanography, Marine Biology, Marine Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, or other relevant academic subjects of Universities, as well as graduates of Polytechnic Schools and Technical Universities. The evaluation and final selection of the prospective students will be made by the Selection Committee based on specific criteria defined in the Operational Regulation of the MSc ‘ReMS’.

    Duration of the MSc Course Program

    The duration of the MSc Course Program "Research in Marine Sciences" is three (3) semesters.

    Course Program - Language of Teaching and Diploma Thesis

    Τhe total number of ECTS required to fullfil the MSc program is 90. All courses are compulsory. Courses offered during the second and third semesters are adjusted to the research topic selected by the candidate in collaboration with the supervisor. The language of teaching and writing the Thesis is English.

    Tuition fees 

    The tuition fee of the Master of Research in Marine Sciences program amounts to a total of € 1200.

    First semester
    Mandatory modulesECTS

    Total ECTS30
    Second semester
    Mandatory modulesECTS

    Total ECTS30
    Third semester
    Mandatory modulesECTS

    Total ECTS30


    Country: Greece
    City: Mytilene, Lesvos
    Duration: 3 academic semesters
    Language: English
    Means of education: Lecturing - hands-on Research
    Type of education: Full time
    Candidacy Submission Deadline: According to the Invitation Call


    Email: rmsc@marine.aegean.gr
    Phone: 22510 36862


    Publications of postgraduate students


    Savin A, Sini M, Xynogala I, Lioupa V, Vougioukalou K, Stamatis K, Noè S, Ragkousis M, Gerovasileiou V, Dailianis T, Katsanevakis S (2023). Assessment of macroalgal communities on shallow rocky reefs in the Aegean Sea indicates an impoverished ecological status. Mediterranean Marine Science 24(2): 241-258. https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.31034 


    Giagkazoglou Z, Griffiths AM, Imsiridou A, Chatzispyrou A, Touloumis K, Hebb JL, Mylona D, Malamidou AK, Apostolidi ED, Batjakas IE, Gubili C, (2022). Flying under the radar: DNA barcoding ray wings in Greece detects protected species and umbrella labelling terms. Food Control 132, 108517. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108517 

    Karampetsis D., Gubili C., Touloumis K., Adamidou A., Triantafillidis S., Evangelopoulos A., Batjakas I.E., Kamidis N., Koutrakis Μ. (2022). Biological parameters and spatial segregation patterns in sharks from the North Aegean Sea, Greece. Marine and Freshwater Research 73(11) 1378-1392. https://doi.org/10.1071/MF22079


    Chaniotaki M, Kolovoyiannis V, Tragou E, Herold LA, Batjakas IE, Zervakis V, (2021). Investigation of the response of the Aegean Sea to the Etesian wind forcing. Continental Shelf Research 225, 104485. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2021.104485

    Koumpiadis P, Sganga DE, Politis SN, Gallego V, Butts IAE, Asturiano JF, Batjakas IE, Tomkiewicz J, (2021). Sperm production and quality in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in relation to hormonal treatment. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 00, 1– 9. https://doi.org/10.1111/rda.14011

    Stranga Y, Katsanevakis S (2021). Eight years of BioInvasions Records: patterns and trends in alien and cryptogenic species records. Management of Biological Invasions 12(2), 221–239, https://doi.org/10.3391/mbi.2021.12.2.01 
