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  • Drosos Koutsoubas

    Drosos Koutsoubas
    Affiliation:Department of Marine Sciences
    Office hours:11:00 - 15:00, Tuesday - Friday
    Phone:(+30) 22510 36814
    Curriculum vitae:cv


    • Marine Biodiversity (Taxonomy, Zoogeography and Ecology of Mediterranean Invertebrates)
    • Ecology of Macrobenthic Communities in Coastal and Deep-Sea Ecosystems
    • Fisheries Biology, Populations Dynamics and Management Resources of Marine Invertebrates with commercial interest (Molluscs)
    • Pollution and Impact Assessment Studies in Coastal and Transitional Water Ecosystems
    • Conservation and Coastal Zone Management
    • Aquaculture and Marine Environment Interactions
    • Invasive species and Climate change
    • Marine Protected Areas
    • Diving Tourism
    • Environmental Education


    Undergraduate level: (oral presentations, tutorials, labs): Marine Biology, Marine Ecology, Coastal and Transitional Water Ecosystems, Marine Biodiversity.

    Postgraduate level: oral presentations, tutorials, labs): Coastal Ecology, International and European Policies and Practices for the Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

    Other activities

    As a member of the Research Team "Marine Biological Resources and Management of Ecosystems" and in the framework of my academic duties in the University I am participating in National and EU funded Research Projects (e.g. MAST & MTP - CINCS, MATER; FAIR - CEPHVAR; LIFE-NATURE; CFP-STUDIES - CEPHACES; INTERREG IIIB CADSES - TWReference NET; 5th & 6th FP EU Programmes - AQCESS, CEPHSTOCK, ECOSUMMER; INTERREG HELLAS-CYPRUS, HERAKLITUS I & II, PYTHAGORAS, ESFRI - Lifewatch, ERDF 2007-2013 «Environment & Sustainable Development») related to the Marine Biodiversity and Ecological Assessment of the marine environment, the biology and management of commercial interest European Marine Invertebrate Resources, the Conservation and Management of Endangered species and Priority Ecotopes in the Mediterranean, the relationships between Aquaculture and the Marine Environment, the Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the Invasive Species and the Environmental Education. Head of the Management Body of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos and member of the Scientific Committee of the MedPAN Network (www.medpan.org).

    Selected publications

    Micheli F., Levin N., Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S., Abdulla A., Coll M., Fraschetti S., Kark S., Koutsoubas D., Mackelworth P., Maiorano L. & H.P. Possingham, 2013. Setting priorities for regional conservation planning in the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE, 8(4): e59038, 1-17.

    Schofield G., Scott R., Dimadi A., Fossette S., Katselidis K., Koutsoubas D., Lilley M., Pantis J., Karagouni A. & G. Hays, 2013. Evidence-based marine protected area planning for a highly mobile endangered marine vertebrate. Biological Conservation, 161, 101-109.

    Dimitriadis CH., Evagelopoulos Α. & D. Koutsoubas, 2012. Functional diversity and redundancy of soft bottom communities in brackish waters areas: local vs regional effects. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 426-427, 53-59.

    Evagelopoulos Α., D. Koutsoubas, Basset A., Pinna M., Dimitriadis Ch., Sangiorgio F., Barbone E., Maidanou M., Koulouri P. & C. Dounas 2008. Spatial and seasonal variability of the macrobenthic fauna in Mediterranean solar salt-works ecosystems. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 18, S118-S134.

    Karakassis I., Machias A., Pitta P., Papadopoulou K.N., Smith C.J., Apostolaki E.T., Giannoulaki M., Koutsoubas D. & S. Somarakis, 2006. Cross-community congruence of patterns in a marine ecosystem: do the parts reflect the whole? Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310, 47-54.