Ioannis E. Batjakas

My teaching duties in the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean include the following undergraduate courses: Ichthyology, an introductory course which covers the taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour and ecology of fishes as well as an introduction to fishes found in Greek waters, and Aquaculture Management, a course dealing with the management, marketing and legislation in Aquaculture and its impacts in the environment, and I annually offer lectures in Aquaculture. At graduate level, I annually offer lectures at our M.Sc. programme in Coastal Resource Management and at the Greek-French Biodiversity Conservation M.Sc. programme.
Professional activities
My teaching duties in the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean include the following undergraduate courses: Ichthyology, an introductory course which covers the taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour and ecology of fishes as well as an introduction to fishes found in Greek waters, and Aquaculture Management, a course dealing with the management, marketing and legislation in Aquaculture and its impacts in the environment, and I annually offer lectures in Aquaculture. At graduate level, I annually offer lectures at our M.Sc. programme in Coastal Resource Management and at the Greek-French Biodiversity Conservation M.Sc. programme.
Other activities
Within my duties as an Ichthyologist, I worked for the Ministry of Agriculture (Fisheries Dept.), New England Aquarium, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Boston University, Fisheries Research Institute, Lyons & Zoremba Inc., and Cambridge Seven Associates. Furthermore, I am/was member of scientific societies like the European Aquaculture Society, American Aquaculture Society,American Fisheries Society, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Greek Society of Ichthyologists, Geotechniko Chamber of Greece, and I serve as a reviewer at several scientific journals such as Limnology & Oceanography, Cybium, and Global NEST Journal and for the 15th Panhellenic Ichthyologist meeting.
Selected publications
Fletcher, N., I.E. Batjakas and G.J. Pierce (2013). Diet of the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) in the Northeast Aegean Sea. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 29(5):1030-1035.
Morat, F., Y. Letourneur, D. Nerini, D. Banaru and I.E. Batjakas, (2012). Discrimination of red mullet populations (Teleostean, Mullidae) along multi-spatial and ontogenetic scales within the Mediterranean basin on the basis of otolith shape analysis. Aquat. Living Resour.,25(1): 27-39.
Merigot, B., I.E. Batjakas, & Y. Letourneur (2006). Fish Community structure of two Greek coastal lagoons (Lesvos Island, NE Aegean Sea): Preliminary results. Cybium, 30(1): 79-81.
Goodrich, J.S., S.L. Sanderson, S.L., I.E. Batjakas, and L. Kaufman (2000). Branchial arches of suspension-feeding Oreochromis esculentus: sieve or sticky filter? J. Fish Biol., 56(4): 858-875.
Batjakas, I.E., R.E. Edgar, and L.S. Kaufman (1997). Comparative feeding efficiency of indigenous and introduced tilapiines from Lake Victoria: Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis niloticus feeding on green algae. Hydrobiologia 347: 75-82.
My teaching duties in the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean include the following undergraduate courses: Ichthyology, an introductory course which covers the taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour and ecology of fishes as well as an introduction to fishes found in Greek waters, and Aquaculture Management, a course dealing with the management, marketing and legislation in Aquaculture and its impacts in the environment, and I annually offer lectures in Aquaculture. At graduate level, I annually offer lectures at our M.Sc. programme in Coastal Resource Management and at the Greek-French Biodiversity Conservation M.Sc. programme.
My teaching duties in the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean include the following undergraduate courses: Ichthyology, an introductory course which covers the taxonomy, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour and ecology of fishes as well as an introduction to fishes found in Greek waters, and Aquaculture Management, a course dealing with the management, marketing and legislation in Aquaculture and its impacts in the environment, and I annually offer lectures in Aquaculture. At graduate level, I annually offer lectures at our M.Sc. programme in Coastal Resource Management and at the Greek-French Biodiversity Conservation M.Sc. programme.
Within my duties as an Ichthyologist, I worked for the Ministry of Agriculture (Fisheries Dept.), New England Aquarium, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Boston University, Fisheries Research Institute, Lyons & Zoremba Inc., and Cambridge Seven Associates. Furthermore, I am/was member of scientific societies like the European Aquaculture Society, American Aquaculture Society,American Fisheries Society, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Greek Society of Ichthyologists, Geotechniko Chamber of Greece, and I serve as a reviewer at several scientific journals such as Limnology & Oceanography, Cybium, and Global NEST Journal and for the 15th Panhellenic Ichthyologist meeting.
Fletcher, N., I.E. Batjakas and G.J. Pierce (2013). Diet of the Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793) in the Northeast Aegean Sea. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 29(5):1030-1035.
Morat, F., Y. Letourneur, D. Nerini, D. Banaru and I.E. Batjakas, (2012). Discrimination of red mullet populations (Teleostean, Mullidae) along multi-spatial and ontogenetic scales within the Mediterranean basin on the basis of otolith shape analysis. Aquat. Living Resour.,25(1): 27-39.
Merigot, B., I.E. Batjakas, & Y. Letourneur (2006). Fish Community structure of two Greek coastal lagoons (Lesvos Island, NE Aegean Sea): Preliminary results. Cybium, 30(1): 79-81.
Goodrich, J.S., S.L. Sanderson, S.L., I.E. Batjakas, and L. Kaufman (2000). Branchial arches of suspension-feeding Oreochromis esculentus: sieve or sticky filter? J. Fish Biol., 56(4): 858-875.
Batjakas, I.E., R.E. Edgar, and L.S. Kaufman (1997). Comparative feeding efficiency of indigenous and introduced tilapiines from Lake Victoria: Oreochromis esculentus and Oreochromis niloticus feeding on green algae. Hydrobiologia 347: 75-82.