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  • Anastasia Nikolaou

    Anastasia Nikolaou
    Title:Assistant Professor
    Affiliation:Department of Marine Sciences
    Office hours:Tuesday 10.00-11.00, Wednesday 12.00-14.
    Phone:22510 36848
    Curriculum vitae:cv


    Development and validation of analytical methods for the determination of toxic substances in waters and sediments, water and wastewater quality, disinfection by-products, fate and toxicity of organic substances in the environment. Over fifty publications in international scientific journals and equivalent number of publications in conferences. Participation in national and European research projects related to the monitoring of pollution of natural waters and sediments from various categories of organic pollutants.


    Lectures and laboratory exercises of Chemical Oceanography, Methodologies of Sampling and Samples Treatment, Environmental Chemistry. Co-operation in lectures of Marine Pollution and laboratory exercises of Analytical Chemistry. Supervision of pre- and post-graduate thesis related to Environmental Chemistry.

    Selected publications

    Nikolaou A.D. (2004). Investigation of the formation of chlorination by-products in water rich in bromide and organic matter content, Environmental Science and Health A, 39, 11/12, 2835-2853.

    Nikolaou A., Golfinopoulos S., Rizzo L., Lofrano G., Lekkas T., Belgiorno V. (2005). Optimisation of analytical methods for the determination of DBPs: Application to drinking waters from Greece and Italy, Desalination 176, 25-35.

    Nikolaou A., Meric S., Fatta D. (2007). Occurrence patterns of pharmaceuticals in water and wastewater environments, Anal Bioanal Chem 387, 1225-1234.

    Nikolaou A.D., Meric S., Lekkas D.F., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V., Groudev S., Tanik A. (2008). Multi-parametric water quality monitoring approach according to the WFD application in Evros trans-boundary river basin: Priority pollutants, Desalination 226, 306-320.

    Nikolaou A., Kostopoulou M., Petsas A., Vagi M., Lofrano G., Meric S. (2009) Levels and toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 28(6), 653-664.