Stratis Georgakarakos

One aspect of my research focuses on the applications of underwater acoustics in Marine Ecology. Underwater acoustic technologies have been revolutionised during the last decade, in terms of both hardware and software. Active and passive acoustic techniques are now among the most effective approaches for monitoring of marine areas and can be used to study marine life behaviour, abundance, seasonal changes in biomass distribution and interrelations to its habitat. A significant part of this expertise focuses on the estimation of the abundance of biological resources with an emphasis on fisheries stocks.
A second facet of my research interests focuses on exploring the management implications of uncertainties arising from natural variability, environmental change and measurement errors. Most of my projects are quantitative. In addition to classical statistical analysis, we also use other quantitative methods, such as Bayesian Statistics, Multivariate Time Series Analysis, and Artificial Neural Networks.
My teaching duties in the Department of Marine Sciences include the following undergraduate courses: Introduction to Underwater Acoustic Technology (sound waves and pulses, harmonic analysis, sound propagation, transducers and echosounders, scattering and absorption, acoustic measurement of marine life and sea-floor properties, ambient noise, passive and active bioacoustics, with a computer course on signal processing using the R language); Fisheries Biology (introduction to life history and ecology of fishes, population structure of fish stocks, simple population dynamic models and how fishing pressure and ecological factors affect the development of fish stocks); Fisheries Management (introduction to the selective properties of fishing gear, exploitation strategies of fish populations, simple quantitative methods for yield estimation, with emphasis on how exploitation and other external factors influence the living resources in the sea. The students also get computer courses on using the R language for estimating relevant population parameters and simulating fish stock exploitation).
At graduate-level my lectures are offered in close collaboration with other national and international research centres, providing comprehensive and most up-to-date information concerning the management of biological resources in the M.Sc. Programmes: Coastal Zone Management (at our department) and Oceanography (at the University of Athens).
Professional activities
Prior to my appointment as Assistant Professor at the Department of Marine Sciences in 2001, I was Head of the Sonar and Marine Information Systems Department at the former Institute of Marine Biology of Crete, now part of HCMR. In both positions I have been involved in various national and European joint research projects, aiming at technological improvement of the acoustic methodology, stock assessment, and management of biological resources. Recently, I was elected to serve for two years the European Census of Marine Life (EuroCoML) as a member of its Executive Committee. I am/was reviewer of several international scientific journals, conferences, and grants for research projects.
Selected publications
Georgakarakos, S., Trygonis, V., and Haralabous, J. (2011). Accuracy of acoustic methods in stock assessment surveys. In: Sonar Systems, InTech, ISBN: 978-953-307-234-0.
Palialexis, A., Georgakarakos, S., Karakassis, I., Lika, K., and Valavanis, V.D. (2011). Fish distribution predictions from different points of view: comparing associative neural networks, geostatistics and regression models. Hydrobiologia (in press).
Trygonis, V., Georgakarakos, S., Simmonds, E.J. (2009). An operational system for automatic school identification on multibeam sonar echoes. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(5):935-949.
Georgakarakos, S., Koutsoubas, D., and Valavanis, V.D. (2006). Time series analysis and forecasting techniques applied on loliginid and ommastrephid landings in Greek waters. Fisheries Research, 78:55-71.
Georgakarakos, S., Haralabus, J., Valavanis, V.D., Arvanitidis, C., Koutsoubas, D. (2002). Prediction of Fishery exploitation stocks of Loliginid and Ommastrephid squids in Greek waters (Eastern Mediterranean) using uni- and multivariate time series analysis techniques. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71(1):269-288.
One aspect of my research focuses on the applications of underwater acoustics in Marine Ecology. Underwater acoustic technologies have been revolutionised during the last decade, in terms of both hardware and software. Active and passive acoustic techniques are now among the most effective approaches for monitoring of marine areas and can be used to study marine life behaviour, abundance, seasonal changes in biomass distribution and interrelations to its habitat. A significant part of this expertise focuses on the estimation of the abundance of biological resources with an emphasis on fisheries stocks.
A second facet of my research interests focuses on exploring the management implications of uncertainties arising from natural variability, environmental change and measurement errors. Most of my projects are quantitative. In addition to classical statistical analysis, we also use other quantitative methods, such as Bayesian Statistics, Multivariate Time Series Analysis, and Artificial Neural Networks.
My teaching duties in the Department of Marine Sciences include the following undergraduate courses: Introduction to Underwater Acoustic Technology (sound waves and pulses, harmonic analysis, sound propagation, transducers and echosounders, scattering and absorption, acoustic measurement of marine life and sea-floor properties, ambient noise, passive and active bioacoustics, with a computer course on signal processing using the R language); Fisheries Biology (introduction to life history and ecology of fishes, population structure of fish stocks, simple population dynamic models and how fishing pressure and ecological factors affect the development of fish stocks); Fisheries Management (introduction to the selective properties of fishing gear, exploitation strategies of fish populations, simple quantitative methods for yield estimation, with emphasis on how exploitation and other external factors influence the living resources in the sea. The students also get computer courses on using the R language for estimating relevant population parameters and simulating fish stock exploitation).
At graduate-level my lectures are offered in close collaboration with other national and international research centres, providing comprehensive and most up-to-date information concerning the management of biological resources in the M.Sc. Programmes: Coastal Zone Management (at our department) and Oceanography (at the University of Athens).
Prior to my appointment as Assistant Professor at the Department of Marine Sciences in 2001, I was Head of the Sonar and Marine Information Systems Department at the former Institute of Marine Biology of Crete, now part of HCMR. In both positions I have been involved in various national and European joint research projects, aiming at technological improvement of the acoustic methodology, stock assessment, and management of biological resources. Recently, I was elected to serve for two years the European Census of Marine Life (EuroCoML) as a member of its Executive Committee. I am/was reviewer of several international scientific journals, conferences, and grants for research projects.
Georgakarakos, S., Trygonis, V., and Haralabous, J. (2011). Accuracy of acoustic methods in stock assessment surveys. In: Sonar Systems, InTech, ISBN: 978-953-307-234-0.
Palialexis, A., Georgakarakos, S., Karakassis, I., Lika, K., and Valavanis, V.D. (2011). Fish distribution predictions from different points of view: comparing associative neural networks, geostatistics and regression models. Hydrobiologia (in press).
Trygonis, V., Georgakarakos, S., Simmonds, E.J. (2009). An operational system for automatic school identification on multibeam sonar echoes. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(5):935-949.
Georgakarakos, S., Koutsoubas, D., and Valavanis, V.D. (2006). Time series analysis and forecasting techniques applied on loliginid and ommastrephid landings in Greek waters. Fisheries Research, 78:55-71.
Georgakarakos, S., Haralabus, J., Valavanis, V.D., Arvanitidis, C., Koutsoubas, D. (2002). Prediction of Fishery exploitation stocks of Loliginid and Ommastrephid squids in Greek waters (Eastern Mediterranean) using uni- and multivariate time series analysis techniques. Bulletin of Marine Science, 71(1):269-288.