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  • Georgios Kokkoris

    Georgios Kokkoris
    Title:Associate Professor
    Affiliation:Department of Marine Sciences
    Office hours:
    Phone:(+30) 22510 36833
    Curriculum vitae:cv


    His research interests include areas of Theoretical and Mathematical Ecology such as Biological Invasions, Conservation Biology, Food Webs, Community Assembly, Competition and Coexistence of Species.


    At the undergraduate level, Giorgos teaches "Statistics", "Multivariate Statistical Analysis" and "Quantitative Ecology". At the graduate level, he teaches "Theoretical Ecology" for the Greek-French M.Sc. course BIODIVERITY CONSERVATION and "Applications of Quantitative Methods in Coastal Zone" for the M.Sc. course COASTAL AREAS MANAGEMENT.

    Professional activities

    Giorgos Kokkoris studied at the Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, where he received his degree in 1987. Then he was offered a scholarship (teaching assistantship) from the Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, USA, where in 1990 he was awarded the title of Master of Science in Mathematics with specialization in Mathematical Ecology. After completing his military service he completed his doctoral dissertation at the Department of Environment, Aegean University in the Biodiversity Conservation Laboratory under the supervision of Professor Andreas Troumbis (1999). During his graduate studies he received a scholarship (1997) by the European Science Foundation (ESF) to work at the NERC Centre for Population Biology at Imperial College in London under the supervision of Professor John H. Lawton FRS.

    After receiving his doctorate he did postdoctoral studies at the Ecole Normale Superieure (Laboratoire d'Ecologie) in Paris, with grants from the ESF and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 2000 and 2001 respectively, under the supervision of Professor Michel Loreau. Giorgos also worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation, Department of Environment, Aegean University under the supervision of Professor Andreas Troumbis.

    Other activities

    Giorgos has participated in several research projects which have been funded by the European Commission (as BIODEPTH, EPIDEMIE). He was the Scientific Director of the project entitled "Design of a network of Marine Reserves in the Cyclades" (2007-2010).

    In 2002 held in Mytilene the first in a series of conferences of the European network INTERACT in which network he was a member of the scientific committee.

    Selected publications

    Giakoumi, S., Cebrian, E., Kokkoris, G.D. Ballesteros, E. and Sala, E. 2012. The structure of shallow rocky sublittoral communities in the Cyclades, Eastern Mediterranean: Relationships between fish, sea urchins and macroalgae. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Sciences 109: 1-10.

    Spatharis, S., Roelke, D.L. Dimitrakopoulos, P.G. and Kokkoris, G.D. 2011. Analyzing the (mis)behavior of Shannon index in eutrophication studies using field and simulated phytoplankton assemblages. Ecological Indicators 11: 697-703.

    Giakoumi, S., Grantham, H.S., Kokkoris, G.D. and Possingham H.P. 2011. Designing an efficient network of marine reserves in the Mediterranean sea with limited socio-economic data. Biological Conservation 144: 753-763.

    Primpas Ι., Tsirtsis G., Karydis M, Kokkoris G.D. 2010. Principal component analysis: Development of a multivariate index for assessing eutrophication according to the European water framework directive. Ecological Indicators 10: 178–183.

    Christianou, M., Kokkoris, G.D. 2008. Complexity does not affect stability in feasible model communities. Journal of Theoretical Biology 253: 162-169.

    Dell A., Kokkoris G. D., et al. 2005. How do complex food webs persist in nature? pp. 425-436 in de Ruiter P.C., Wolters V., and Moore J. C. (eds) Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies Assemblages, Ecosystem Development and Environmental Change. Academic Press.

    Jansen, V.A.A., Kokkoris, G.D. 2003. Complexity and stability revisited. Ecology Letters 6(6): 498-502.