Georgios Tsirtsis

My research activities are related to the study of dynamics of coastal marine ecosystems emphasizing on (a) phytoplankton ecology and diversity, (b) water quality assessment, (c) integrated coastal zone management, using numerical simulations and statistical methods. This research results to (a) publications in peer-reviewed journals and announcements in scientific conferences, (b) supervision of PhD, MSc theses and dissertations, (c) participation in research projects and (d) scientific collaborations in national and international levels. The recognition of my work (Web of Knowledge, March 2019) is summarized into 821 citations (excluding self-citations), average of 22.41 citations per article and h-index of 15.
At the undergraduate level, I offer mandatory courses on 'Introduction in Informatics and Programming', 'Simulation Methods and Applications', as well as optional courses on 'Numerical Analysis' and 'Models in Ecology'. At the postgraduate level, I offer lectures on 'Quantitatve analysis of Environmental data' in the framework of the M.Sc. Programs on 'Integrated Coastal Zone Management' and 'Research in Marine Sciences' coordinated by the Department of Marine Sciences and 'Research in Environmental Sciences' coordinated by the Department of the Environment.
Professional activities
Coordination of research projects funded by national and European agencies.
Other activities
- Dean of the School of the Environment (from October 2018)
- Member of the Senate of the University of the Aegean (from October 2018)
- Director of the Laboratory of Ecology and System Dynamics
- Member of the Hellenic Phycological Society (HEL.P.S.)
- Member of the Hellenic Ecological Society (Helecos)
Selected publications
Roelke, D.L., S.E. Cagle, R.M.W. Muhl, A. Sakavara and G. Tsirtsis, 2019. Resource fluctuation patterns influence emergent properties of phytoplankton assemblages and their resistance to harmful algal blooms. Marine and Freshwater Research,
Smeti, E., D.L. Roelke, G. Tsirtsis and S. Spatharis, 2018. Species extinctions strengthen the relationship between biodiversity and resource use efficiency. Ecological Modelling, 384, 75-86.
Tamvakis, A., C.N. Anagnostopoulos, G. Tsirtsis, A.D. Niros and S. Spatharis, 2018. Optimized classification predictions with a new index combining machine learning algorithms. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 27(3), 1850012.
Tsoukala, A., I. Spilanis, I. Banos-Gonzalez, J. Martinez-Fernandez, M.A. Esteve-Selma and G. Tsirtsis, 2018. An exercise in decision support modelling for islands: a case study for a ‘typical’ Mediterranean island. Island Studies Journal, 13(2), 185-202.
Sakavara, A., G. Tsirtsis, D.L. Roelke, R. Mancy and S. Spatharis, 2018. Lumpy species coexistence arises robustly i fluctuating resource environments. PNAS, 115(4), 738-743.
Tamvakis, A., S. Spatharis, V. Trygonis, J. Myritzis and G. Tsirtsis, 2014. Optimizing biodiversity prediction from abiotic parameters. Environmental Modelling and Software, 53, 112-120.
Spatharis, S. and G. Tsirtsis, 2013. Zipf-Mandelbrot model behavior in marine eutrophication: Two way fitting on field and simulated phytoplankton assemblages. Hydrobiologia, 714(1), 191-199
Kolovoyiannis, V. and G. Tsirtsis, 2013. Downscaling the marine modelling effort: Development, application and assessment of a 3D ecosystem model implemented in a small coastal area. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 126, 44-60.
Spyropoulou, A., S. Spatharis, G. Papantoniou and G. Tsirtsis, 2013. Potential response of a semi-arid ecosystem to climate change. Hydrobiologia, 705, 87-99.
Tamvakis, A., J. Miritzis, G. Tsirtsis, A. Spyropoulou and S. Spatharis, 2012. Effects of meteorological forcing on coastal eutrophication: Modelling with model trees. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 115, 210-217.
Tsirtsis, G. and S. Spatharis, 2011. Simulating the structure of natural phytoplankton assemblages: Descriptive vs. mechanistic approaches. Ecological Modelling, 222, 1922-1928.
Additional links
My research activities are related to the study of dynamics of coastal marine ecosystems emphasizing on (a) phytoplankton ecology and diversity, (b) water quality assessment, (c) integrated coastal zone management, using numerical simulations and statistical methods. This research results to (a) publications in peer-reviewed journals and announcements in scientific conferences, (b) supervision of PhD, MSc theses and dissertations, (c) participation in research projects and (d) scientific collaborations in national and international levels. The recognition of my work (Web of Knowledge, March 2019) is summarized into 821 citations (excluding self-citations), average of 22.41 citations per article and h-index of 15.
At the undergraduate level, I offer mandatory courses on 'Introduction in Informatics and Programming', 'Simulation Methods and Applications', as well as optional courses on 'Numerical Analysis' and 'Models in Ecology'. At the postgraduate level, I offer lectures on 'Quantitatve analysis of Environmental data' in the framework of the M.Sc. Programs on 'Integrated Coastal Zone Management' and 'Research in Marine Sciences' coordinated by the Department of Marine Sciences and 'Research in Environmental Sciences' coordinated by the Department of the Environment.
Coordination of research projects funded by national and European agencies.
- Dean of the School of the Environment (from October 2018)
- Member of the Senate of the University of the Aegean (from October 2018)
- Director of the Laboratory of Ecology and System Dynamics
- Member of the Hellenic Phycological Society (HEL.P.S.)
- Member of the Hellenic Ecological Society (Helecos)
Roelke, D.L., S.E. Cagle, R.M.W. Muhl, A. Sakavara and G. Tsirtsis, 2019. Resource fluctuation patterns influence emergent properties of phytoplankton assemblages and their resistance to harmful algal blooms. Marine and Freshwater Research,
Smeti, E., D.L. Roelke, G. Tsirtsis and S. Spatharis, 2018. Species extinctions strengthen the relationship between biodiversity and resource use efficiency. Ecological Modelling, 384, 75-86.
Tamvakis, A., C.N. Anagnostopoulos, G. Tsirtsis, A.D. Niros and S. Spatharis, 2018. Optimized classification predictions with a new index combining machine learning algorithms. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 27(3), 1850012.
Tsoukala, A., I. Spilanis, I. Banos-Gonzalez, J. Martinez-Fernandez, M.A. Esteve-Selma and G. Tsirtsis, 2018. An exercise in decision support modelling for islands: a case study for a ‘typical’ Mediterranean island. Island Studies Journal, 13(2), 185-202.
Sakavara, A., G. Tsirtsis, D.L. Roelke, R. Mancy and S. Spatharis, 2018. Lumpy species coexistence arises robustly i fluctuating resource environments. PNAS, 115(4), 738-743.
Tamvakis, A., S. Spatharis, V. Trygonis, J. Myritzis and G. Tsirtsis, 2014. Optimizing biodiversity prediction from abiotic parameters. Environmental Modelling and Software, 53, 112-120.
Spatharis, S. and G. Tsirtsis, 2013. Zipf-Mandelbrot model behavior in marine eutrophication: Two way fitting on field and simulated phytoplankton assemblages. Hydrobiologia, 714(1), 191-199
Kolovoyiannis, V. and G. Tsirtsis, 2013. Downscaling the marine modelling effort: Development, application and assessment of a 3D ecosystem model implemented in a small coastal area. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 126, 44-60.
Spyropoulou, A., S. Spatharis, G. Papantoniou and G. Tsirtsis, 2013. Potential response of a semi-arid ecosystem to climate change. Hydrobiologia, 705, 87-99.
Tamvakis, A., J. Miritzis, G. Tsirtsis, A. Spyropoulou and S. Spatharis, 2012. Effects of meteorological forcing on coastal eutrophication: Modelling with model trees. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 115, 210-217.
Tsirtsis, G. and S. Spatharis, 2011. Simulating the structure of natural phytoplankton assemblages: Descriptive vs. mechanistic approaches. Ecological Modelling, 222, 1922-1928.