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  • Thomas Hasiotis

    Thomas Hasiotis
    Title:Associate Professor
    Affiliation:Department of Marine Sciences
    Office hours:10:00 - 13:00, Monday - Thursday
    Phone:(+30) 22510 36829
    Curriculum vitae:cv


    Recent sedimentation processes in coastal to deep water environments Marine geohazards (gas in sediments and pockmarks, submarine mass movements, faults, current-induced bedforms, diapirism etc) and their consequences in coastal and offshore works (submarine power and telecommunication cables, pipelines, ports etc). Coastal erosion and morphodynamics. Habitat mapping. Surveys/studies for marine aggregate resources. Seismic stratigraphy and sea-level changes during the Quaternary. Marine geotechnical properties and submarine slope stability. Marine geo-archaeological studies.


    Undergraduate level: (i) Geo-environment and Oceanography (1st semester), (ii) Marine Sedimentology (3rd semester), (iii) Applied Marine Geology (6th semester), (iv) Coastal and Marine Applications (8th semester), (v) Intership/Practical Exercise (6th semester). In most of the aforementioned courses I offer tutorials, laboratory exercises and field trips in coastal areas, also onboard the department’s R.S. "Amfitriti" for sediment sampling and study of different sedimentary environments.

    Postgraduate level: (i) Coastal Geohazards in MSc “Integrated Coastal Management” and (ii) Field methods, data analysis, and models in Marine Scineces in MSc “Research in Marine Sciences”.

    Professional activities

    As a member of the "Coastal Morphodynamics-Managment and Marine Geology Laboratory" and within my academic duties, I am involved in applied marine geophysical/geotechnical surveys/studies related to submarine power and telecommunication cables, gas and oil pipelines, ports, etc.

    Member in various associations/organizations.

    Selected publications

    Hasiotis, T., Papatheodorou, G., Kastanos, N., and Ferentinos G., (1996). "A pockmark field in the Patras Gulf (Greece) and its activation during the 14/7/93 seismic event". Marine Geology, vol. 130, pp. 333-344.

    Hasiotis, T., Papatheodorou, G., Bouckovalas, G., Corbau, C. and Ferentinos, G. (2002): "Earthquake-induced coastal sediment instabilities in the western Gulf of Corinth, Greece". Marine Geology, vol. 186, pp. 319-335.

    Hasiotis, T., Papatheodorou G. and Ferentinos, G. (2005): "A high resolution approach in the recent sedimentation processes at the head of Zakynthos canyon, western Greece". Marine Geology, vol. 214, pp. 49-73.

    Hasiotis, T., Papatheodorou, G., Charalampakis, M., Stefatos, A. and Ferentinos, G., (2007): "High frequency sediment failures in a submarine volcanic environment: The Santorini (Thera) basin in the Aegean Sea". In: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences (eds. V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou, J. Locat) – Advances in Natural and Technological Hazard Research Series, Springer, vol. 27, pp. 309-316.

    Ferentinou, M., Hasiotis, T. and Sakellariou, M., (2012): "Application of computational intelligence tools for the analysis of marine geotechnical properties in the head of Zakynthos Canyon, Greece". Computers & Geosciences, v. 40, pp. 166-174.

    Monioudi I., Karditsa A., Chatzipavlis A., Alexandrakis G., Andreadis O., Velegrakis A., Poulos S., Ghionis G., Petrakis S., Sifnioti D., Hasiotis T., Lipakis M., Kampanis M., Karambas Th., Marinos E., (2014). Assessment of vulnerability of the eastern Cretan beaches (Greece) to sea level rise. Regional Environmental Change, 16: 1951-1962.

    Velegrakis, A., Trygonis, V., Chatzipavlis, A., Karambas, Th., Vousdoukas, M., Ghionis, G., Monioudi, I., Hasiotis, T., Andreadis, T. and Psarros, F., (2016). Shoreline variability of an urban beach fronted by a beachrock reef from video imagery. Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-016-2415-9.

    Hasiotis, T. and Katsanevakis, S., (2016). Deepest record of Caulerpa Cylindracea in the Mediterranean. In Dailianis et al., New Mediterranean Biodivesity Records (July 2016), p.616. Mediterranean Marine Science (collective article), 17/2: 608-626.

    Monioudi I., Velegrakis A., Chatzipavlis A., Rigos A., Karambas Th., Vousdoukas M., Hasiotis T., Koukourouvli N., Peduzzi P., Manoutsoglou E., Poulos S., Collins M., (2017). Assessment of island beach erosion due to sea level rise: The case of the Aegean Archipelago (Eastern Mediterranean). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 17: 449-466.

    Manoutsoglou E., Hasiotis T., Kyriakoudi D., Velegrakis A. and Lowag J., (2018). Puzzling micro-relief (mounds) of a soft-bottomed, semi-enclosed shallow marine environment. Geo-Marine Letters, 38: 359-370.

    Tsatiris, A., Papadopoulos, V., Makri, D., Topouzelis, K., Manoutsoglou, E., Hasiotis, T., Katsanevakis S., (2018). Spatial distribution, abundance and habitat use of the endemic Mediterranean fan mussel Pinna nobilis in the Gera Gulf, Lesvos (Greece): comparison of design-based and model-based approaches. Mediterranean Marine Science, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12681/mms.14156.

    Chatzipavlis, A., Tsekouras G., Trygonis V., Velegrakis A., Tsimikas J., Rigos A., Hasiotis T., Salmas C., (2018). Modeling of beach realignment using a neuro-fuzzy network optimized by a novel backtracking search algorithm. Neural Computing and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3809-2.