Maria Kostopoulou-Karadanelli

Her research interests focus on the quality on the coastal environment with emphasis to organic pollutants. She is carrying out research on abiotic and biotic processes which may influence the fate and behavior of organic substances in environmental matrices as well as to the toxicity evaluation of individual compounds and mixtures by the use of marine microalga. She has experience in analytical techniques used for the determination of priority substances in environmental samples (water, sediments and organisms).
She has developed scientific cooperation’s with the Oceanlab (University of Aberdeen), the University of Federico II (Naples, Italy), the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Ifremer (Nantes, France), and she has been the Scientific Coordinator of research projects and has participated in European and National research projects related to Water Quality. She has over 20 publications in peer reviewed journals and related number in International Conferences.
Αt the undergraduate level she is giving lectures of General and Analytical Chemistry, Marine Pollution and Aquatic Τoxicology. At the graduate level and since 2001, she participated at the M.Sc. “Management of Coastal Areas” by teaching chapters on biogeochemical processes.
Other activities
Member of:
- Association of Greek Chemists
- Association of Greek Oceanographers
- Hellenic Microbiological Society
- Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology, (GNEST)
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Selected publications
Τsiaka, P., Tsarpali, V., Ntaikou, I., Kostopoulou, M.N., Lyberatos, G., Dailianis, S., (2013). Carbamazepine-mediated pro-oxidant effects on the unicellular marine algal species Dunaliella tertiolecta and the hemocytes of mussle Mytilus galloprovincialis. Ecotoxicology, (DOI 10.1007/s10646-013-1108-3).
Kostopoulou, M., Guida, M., Nikolaou, A., Oral, R., Trifuoggi, M., Borriello, I., Vagi, M., D’ Ambra, A., Meric, S., Pagano, G., (2013). Inorganic and organic Contamination in Sediment from Izmir Bay (Turkey) and Mytilene Harbor (Greece). Global NEST J. 15, 57-68.
Vagi, M.C., Petsas, A.S., Kostopoulou, M.N., Lekkas, T.D., Lekkas, 2010. Adsorption and desorption processes of selected organophosphorous pesticides on three Greek agricultural soils. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 90, 369-389.
Νikolaou, A., Kostopoulou, M., Lofrano, G., Meric, S., 2009. Determination of PAHs in marine sediments: Analytical Methods and Environmental Concerns. Global NEST J. 11, 391-405.
Vagi, M.C., Petsas, A.S., Kostopoulou, M.N., Karamanoli, M.K., Lekkas, T.D., (2007). Determination of organochlorine pesticides in marine sediments samples using ultrasonic solvent extraction followed by GC/ECD. Desalination 210, 146-156.
Her research interests focus on the quality on the coastal environment with emphasis to organic pollutants. She is carrying out research on abiotic and biotic processes which may influence the fate and behavior of organic substances in environmental matrices as well as to the toxicity evaluation of individual compounds and mixtures by the use of marine microalga. She has experience in analytical techniques used for the determination of priority substances in environmental samples (water, sediments and organisms).
She has developed scientific cooperation’s with the Oceanlab (University of Aberdeen), the University of Federico II (Naples, Italy), the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Ifremer (Nantes, France), and she has been the Scientific Coordinator of research projects and has participated in European and National research projects related to Water Quality. She has over 20 publications in peer reviewed journals and related number in International Conferences.
Αt the undergraduate level she is giving lectures of General and Analytical Chemistry, Marine Pollution and Aquatic Τoxicology. At the graduate level and since 2001, she participated at the M.Sc. “Management of Coastal Areas” by teaching chapters on biogeochemical processes.
Member of:
- Association of Greek Chemists
- Association of Greek Oceanographers
- Hellenic Microbiological Society
- Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology, (GNEST)
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Τsiaka, P., Tsarpali, V., Ntaikou, I., Kostopoulou, M.N., Lyberatos, G., Dailianis, S., (2013). Carbamazepine-mediated pro-oxidant effects on the unicellular marine algal species Dunaliella tertiolecta and the hemocytes of mussle Mytilus galloprovincialis. Ecotoxicology, (DOI 10.1007/s10646-013-1108-3).
Kostopoulou, M., Guida, M., Nikolaou, A., Oral, R., Trifuoggi, M., Borriello, I., Vagi, M., D’ Ambra, A., Meric, S., Pagano, G., (2013). Inorganic and organic Contamination in Sediment from Izmir Bay (Turkey) and Mytilene Harbor (Greece). Global NEST J. 15, 57-68.
Vagi, M.C., Petsas, A.S., Kostopoulou, M.N., Lekkas, T.D., Lekkas, 2010. Adsorption and desorption processes of selected organophosphorous pesticides on three Greek agricultural soils. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 90, 369-389.
Νikolaou, A., Kostopoulou, M., Lofrano, G., Meric, S., 2009. Determination of PAHs in marine sediments: Analytical Methods and Environmental Concerns. Global NEST J. 11, 391-405.
Vagi, M.C., Petsas, A.S., Kostopoulou, M.N., Karamanoli, M.K., Lekkas, T.D., (2007). Determination of organochlorine pesticides in marine sediments samples using ultrasonic solvent extraction followed by GC/ECD. Desalination 210, 146-156.