Elina Tragou

Title: | Associate Professor |
Affiliation: | Department of Marine Sciences |
Office: | A.16 |
Office hours: | Wednesdays and Fridays, 12:00 - 14:00 |
Phone: | (+30) 22510 36843 |
E-mail: | ![]() |
Website: | https://www.mar.aegean.gr/index.php?userid=tragou&pg=4.1&lang=gr |
Curriculum vitae: | ![]() |
My research activities include:
air-sea interaction processes
thermohaline circulation and
ocean climate variability and change
My teaching activities at the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean include undergraduate-level courses: Physics, Ocean and Climate Change, Air-Sea Interaction, Oceanography of the Mediterranean. At graduate level, I contribute to the syllabus of the course Coastal Oceanography and Climate Change with lectures regarding air-sea exchanges and their effect on semi-enclosed basins.
Other activities
- Editorial Board Member of the international scientific journal Mediterranean Marine Science (Impact factor for 2021: 2,36)
- Referee to international scientific journals: Journal of Climate, Journal of Marine Systems, Annales Geophysicae, Deep Sea Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Oceanologia, Journal of Geology and Mining Research, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Mediterranean Marine Science
- Member of the following scientific societies: Association of Greek Oceanographers (since 1989), American Meteorological Society (since 1996)
Selected publications
Potiris, M.; Mamoutos, I.G.; Tragou, E.; Zervakis, V.; Kassis, D.; Ballas, D., 2024. Dense Water Formation Variability in the Aegean Sea from 1947 to 2023. Oceans, 2024, 5, 611-636. https://www.mdpi.com/2673-1924/5/3/35
Mamoutos, I. G., Potiris, E., Androulidakis, Y., Tragou, E., & Zervakis, V., 2024. Evidence for reduced Black Sea water outflow to the North Aegean. Earth and Space Science, 11, e2024EA003674. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024EA003674
Mazioti, A.A., Kolovoyiannis, V., Krasakopoulou, E., Tragou, E., Zervakis, V., Assimakopoulou, G., Athiniotis, A., Paraskevopoulou, V., Pavlidou, A., Zeri, C., 2024. Implementation of a Far-Field Water Quality Model for the Simulation of Trace Elements in an Eastern Mediterranean Coastal Embayment Receiving High Anthropogenic Pressure. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; 12(5):797. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12050797
Potiris, M., Mamoutos, I.G., Tragou, E., Zervakis, V., Kassis D, Ballas D., 2024. Dense Water Formation in the North–Central Aegean Sea during Winter 2021–2022. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; 12(2):221. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12020221
Papadakis, O.; Mamoutos, I.; Ramfos, A.; Catanese, G.; Papadimitriou, E.; Theodorou A., J.; Batargias, C.; Papaioannou, C.; Kamilari, M.; Tragou, E.; Zervakis, V.; Katsanevakis, S., 2023. Status, Distribution, and Threats of the Last Surviving Fan Mussel Populations in Greece. Medit. Mar. Sci., 24, 679-708. https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/hcmr-med-mar-sc/article/view/35384
Mamoutos, I.; Potiris, E.; Tragou, E.; Zervakis, V.; Petalas, S., 2021. A High-Resolution Numerical Model of the North Aegean Sea aimed at Climatological Studies. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12), 1463; https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9121463.
Tragou, E., Petalas, S., Mamoutos, I., 2021. Air sea interaction - Heat and fresh-water fluxes in the Aegean Sea. Chapter A-10 In: The Aegean Sea Environment: The Natural System. D. Barcelo & A. G. Kostianoy (Eds), The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. In press.
Sampatakaki, A., Zervakis, V., Mamoutos, I., Tragou, E., Gogou, A., Triantaphyllou, M., Skliris, N., 2021. Investigation of the Mediterranean Sea's inherent variability under contrasting extreme climatic conditions. Frontiers in Marine Science, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2021.656737/abstract
Chaniotaki, M., Kolovoyiannis, V., Tragou, E., Herold, L.A., Batjakas, I.E., Zervakis, V., 2021. Investigation of the response of the Aegean Sea to the Etesian wind forcing. Continental Shelf Research, 225, 104485. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2021.104485.
Zervakis, V., Krauzig, N., Tragou, E. and Kunze, E.. Estimating vertical mixing in the deep North Aegean Sea using Argo data corrected for conductivity sensor drift. Deep-Sea Research Part I, article in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2019.103144.
Mamoutos, I., Zervakis, V., Tragou, E., Karydis, M., Frangoulis, C., Kolovoyiannis, V., Georgopoulos, D., Psarra, S., 2017. The role of wind-forced coastal upwelling on the thermohaline functioning of the North Aegean Sea. Cont. Shelf Res., 149, 52-68.
Makris, Ch., P. Galiatsatou, K. Tolika, Ch. Anagnostopoulou, K. Kombiadou, P. Prinos, K. Velikou, Z. Kapelonis, E. Tragou, Y. Androulidakis, G. Athanassoulis, Ch. Vagenas, I. Tegoulias, V. Baltikas, Y. Krestenitis, Th. Gerostathis, K. Belibassakis, E. Rusu, 2016: Climate change effects on the marine characteristics of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s10236-016-1008-1
Mamoutos, I., Tragou, E. and G. Kakagiannis, 2014. Mean sea level changes in the Greek Seas. In 6th Panhellenic Conference in Management and Improvement of Coastal Zones, November 2014, Athens, Greece, pp. 335-344.
Kioroglou S., Tragou E., Zervakis V., 2013. Assessing shelf mixing using CTD, ADCP, and free falling shear probe turbulence data. Continental Shelf Research, 69, pp. 73-87.
Tragou, E., V. Zervakis, E. Papageorgiou, S. Stavrakakis and V. Lykousis, 2005: Monitoring the physical forcing of resuspension events in the Thermaikos Gulf-NW Aegean during 2001-2003. Continental Shelf Research, 25, pp. 23152331.
Tragou, E. and A. Lascaratos, 2003. The role of aerosols on the Mediterranean solar radiation. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108(C2), 3025, doi:10.1029/2001JC001258
Tragou, E., C. Garrett, R. Outerbridge, and C. Gilman, 1999. The heat and freshwater budgets of the Red Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr. Vol. 29, 25042522.
Tragou, E., and C. Garrett, 1997. The shallow thermohaline circulation of the Red Sea. Deep-Sea Research, Vol. 44, 13551376.
Lascaratos, A., R. Williams, and E. Tragou, 1993. A mixed-layer study of the formation of Levantine intermediate water. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 98, 14,73914,749.
My research activities include:
air-sea interaction processes
thermohaline circulation and
ocean climate variability and change
My teaching activities at the Department of Marine Sciences of the University of the Aegean include undergraduate-level courses: Physics, Ocean and Climate Change, Air-Sea Interaction, Oceanography of the Mediterranean. At graduate level, I contribute to the syllabus of the course Coastal Oceanography and Climate Change with lectures regarding air-sea exchanges and their effect on semi-enclosed basins.
- Editorial Board Member of the international scientific journal Mediterranean Marine Science (Impact factor for 2021: 2,36)
- Referee to international scientific journals: Journal of Climate, Journal of Marine Systems, Annales Geophysicae, Deep Sea Research, Geophysical Research Letters, Oceanologia, Journal of Geology and Mining Research, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Mediterranean Marine Science
- Member of the following scientific societies: Association of Greek Oceanographers (since 1989), American Meteorological Society (since 1996)
Potiris, M.; Mamoutos, I.G.; Tragou, E.; Zervakis, V.; Kassis, D.; Ballas, D., 2024. Dense Water Formation Variability in the Aegean Sea from 1947 to 2023. Oceans, 2024, 5, 611-636. https://www.mdpi.com/2673-1924/5/3/35
Mamoutos, I. G., Potiris, E., Androulidakis, Y., Tragou, E., & Zervakis, V., 2024. Evidence for reduced Black Sea water outflow to the North Aegean. Earth and Space Science, 11, e2024EA003674. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024EA003674
Mazioti, A.A., Kolovoyiannis, V., Krasakopoulou, E., Tragou, E., Zervakis, V., Assimakopoulou, G., Athiniotis, A., Paraskevopoulou, V., Pavlidou, A., Zeri, C., 2024. Implementation of a Far-Field Water Quality Model for the Simulation of Trace Elements in an Eastern Mediterranean Coastal Embayment Receiving High Anthropogenic Pressure. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; 12(5):797. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12050797
Potiris, M., Mamoutos, I.G., Tragou, E., Zervakis, V., Kassis D, Ballas D., 2024. Dense Water Formation in the North–Central Aegean Sea during Winter 2021–2022. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering; 12(2):221. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12020221
Papadakis, O.; Mamoutos, I.; Ramfos, A.; Catanese, G.; Papadimitriou, E.; Theodorou A., J.; Batargias, C.; Papaioannou, C.; Kamilari, M.; Tragou, E.; Zervakis, V.; Katsanevakis, S., 2023. Status, Distribution, and Threats of the Last Surviving Fan Mussel Populations in Greece. Medit. Mar. Sci., 24, 679-708. https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/hcmr-med-mar-sc/article/view/35384
Mamoutos, I.; Potiris, E.; Tragou, E.; Zervakis, V.; Petalas, S., 2021. A High-Resolution Numerical Model of the North Aegean Sea aimed at Climatological Studies. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12), 1463; https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse9121463.
Tragou, E., Petalas, S., Mamoutos, I., 2021. Air sea interaction - Heat and fresh-water fluxes in the Aegean Sea. Chapter A-10 In: The Aegean Sea Environment: The Natural System. D. Barcelo & A. G. Kostianoy (Eds), The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. In press.
Sampatakaki, A., Zervakis, V., Mamoutos, I., Tragou, E., Gogou, A., Triantaphyllou, M., Skliris, N., 2021. Investigation of the Mediterranean Sea's inherent variability under contrasting extreme climatic conditions. Frontiers in Marine Science, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2021.656737/abstract
Chaniotaki, M., Kolovoyiannis, V., Tragou, E., Herold, L.A., Batjakas, I.E., Zervakis, V., 2021. Investigation of the response of the Aegean Sea to the Etesian wind forcing. Continental Shelf Research, 225, 104485. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2021.104485.
Zervakis, V., Krauzig, N., Tragou, E. and Kunze, E.. Estimating vertical mixing in the deep North Aegean Sea using Argo data corrected for conductivity sensor drift. Deep-Sea Research Part I, article in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2019.103144.
Mamoutos, I., Zervakis, V., Tragou, E., Karydis, M., Frangoulis, C., Kolovoyiannis, V., Georgopoulos, D., Psarra, S., 2017. The role of wind-forced coastal upwelling on the thermohaline functioning of the North Aegean Sea. Cont. Shelf Res., 149, 52-68.
Makris, Ch., P. Galiatsatou, K. Tolika, Ch. Anagnostopoulou, K. Kombiadou, P. Prinos, K. Velikou, Z. Kapelonis, E. Tragou, Y. Androulidakis, G. Athanassoulis, Ch. Vagenas, I. Tegoulias, V. Baltikas, Y. Krestenitis, Th. Gerostathis, K. Belibassakis, E. Rusu, 2016: Climate change effects on the marine characteristics of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s10236-016-1008-1
Mamoutos, I., Tragou, E. and G. Kakagiannis, 2014. Mean sea level changes in the Greek Seas. In 6th Panhellenic Conference in Management and Improvement of Coastal Zones, November 2014, Athens, Greece, pp. 335-344.
Kioroglou S., Tragou E., Zervakis V., 2013. Assessing shelf mixing using CTD, ADCP, and free falling shear probe turbulence data. Continental Shelf Research, 69, pp. 73-87.
Tragou, E., V. Zervakis, E. Papageorgiou, S. Stavrakakis and V. Lykousis, 2005: Monitoring the physical forcing of resuspension events in the Thermaikos Gulf-NW Aegean during 2001-2003. Continental Shelf Research, 25, pp. 23152331.
Tragou, E. and A. Lascaratos, 2003. The role of aerosols on the Mediterranean solar radiation. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108(C2), 3025, doi:10.1029/2001JC001258
Tragou, E., C. Garrett, R. Outerbridge, and C. Gilman, 1999. The heat and freshwater budgets of the Red Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr. Vol. 29, 25042522.
Tragou, E., and C. Garrett, 1997. The shallow thermohaline circulation of the Red Sea. Deep-Sea Research, Vol. 44, 13551376.
Lascaratos, A., R. Williams, and E. Tragou, 1993. A mixed-layer study of the formation of Levantine intermediate water. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 98, 14,73914,749.