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    Prospective students

    Dear prospective students,

    University level studies will undoubtedly be one of the most interesting and creative periods of your life. The Department of Marine Sciences welcomes you in this life-changing journey, and encourages you to explore the captivating world of Oceanography.

    As you can see from our Study pages, we offer a mature and focused undergraduate course that will provide you a working knowledge of Oceanography and its related marine sciences, and equip you with highly competitive transferable skills such as teamwork, leadership, and creative scientific thinking. Our Department has much to offer you, and we look forward to your further inquiry..

    undergraduate courses | postgraduate courses

    career opportunities | frequently asked questions | student support | field work | scientific research

    What is Oceanography?

    Oceanography covers a wide spectrum of disciplines that uses insights from physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering to analyze ocean currents and waves, marine ecosystems, marine organisms and their interactions, geophysical fluid dynamics and features of the ocean floor, within the ocean and across coastal boundaries. The understanding of marine biological, chemical, geological, meteorological, and physical processes allows sustainable resource management and the protection of the marine environment.

    Oceanography is a demanding, but captivating science that will deepen your insight into our blue planet, and help you make a difference in its conservation.

    see some images of an Oceanographer's typical "day in the office"


    Economically relevant studies

    With 6,000 islands or islets and more than 13,000 km of coastline, Greece's economy is naturally dependent on maritime activities. The numbers can be overwelming: more that 1/3 of the Greek population lives in the coastal zone, and over 18% of the annual Gross National Product is produced from tourism associated to the marine and coastal environment. The fishing and aquaculture sector yields 284 millions and 345 million euros respectively, while fishing activities secure the employment of more than 37,500 persons and maintain the cultural status of the Aegean Archipelago.


    .. read more about the career opportunities available to our students