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    Building facilities

    The university hill

    Since 2002, the Department of Marine Sciences occupies a purpose-built 5,164 square meter building that overlooks the Aegean sea and provides an excellent working environment for students and staff. Situated at the University Hill area, the Department is approximately 4 km south of Mytilene city, and is easily accessible both from downtown and the Odysseas Elytis airport. Please view our information for visitors pages for detailed maps & directions.

    department of marine sciences

    The Department's building facilities include a large amphitheatre with a capacity of 200, four smaller 100 capacity amphitheatres, and several laboratories for undergraduate training on Biology, Geology, Chemistry and Microbiology. Further facilitites include study rooms, dedicated seminar and lecture rooms for postgraduate courses, as well as offices for faculty staff members, technical support personel, and Ph.D. candidates.

    The center of campus activity at noon is the Dining Hall, where faculty and students meet and mix during the lunch hour. Outdoor and indoor commons areas, with stunning views of the picturesque waterfront of Aegean sea, are favorite locales for coffee and snacks, receptions, and other formal or informal activities.

