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Marine Pollution

(1) General

School:Of the Environment
Academic Unit:Department of Marine Sciences
Level of studies:Undergraduate
Course Code:191ΘΔ22ΥSemester:E
Course Title:Marine Pollution
Independent Teaching ActivitiesWeekly Teaching HoursCredits
Total credits5
Course Type:
Special background 
Prerequisite Courses:
Officially, there are not prerequisite courses. However, the student is required to have basic background in chemistry, biology, statistics 
Language of Instruction and Examinations:
Is the course offered to Erasmus students:
Yes. Supporting material is provided in English and the student follows the lectures given in English (1-2h/week). 
Course Website (Url):https://www.mar.aegean.gr/index.php?lang=en&pg=3.1.1&lesson=1048

(2) Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

The students are required to study and understand the individual chapters of Marine Pollution but also to consider the holistic approach theory. Each section is described in such manner in order to motivate the student to acquaint knowledge and understanding of basic categories of pollutants, their fate/behavior in the marine environment, the technologies used for restoration, as well as the methodologies for the evaluation/estimation of pollution, combining the theory with problems/applications. The promotion of critical thinking is achieved through the encouragement of the student to analyze and synthesize information with questions and application problems in case studies. As a result, gradually new knowledge is obtained, related to analysis and synthesis of data in relevant fields of pollution, useful for the future professional activities.  

The course includes lectures (4h/week) including: 

  • Presentation of the course chapters and connection with today’s subjects of marine pollution of coastal areas. 
  • Elaboration-Presentation of the subject: analysis with em,phasis on the scientific and methodological approach of study. Effort towards the connection with other chapters is made, as well as the analysis-synthesis of information and conclusions. 
  • Control and continuous evaluation of understanding via relevant questions and problems as well as with case studies. 


General Competences

Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology  


Working independently  

Working in an international environment  

Working in an interdisciplinary environment  

Project planning and management  

Respect for the natural environment  

(3) Syllabus


  • Categories of pollutants, Priority Substances and Legislation   
  • Wastewater that consume oxygen. Effects on the marine environment. Technologies for wastewater treatment.  
  • Eutrophication: Sources, effects and methodologies of estimation of trophic status of the ecosystems.  
  • Metals: Fate and behavior in the marine environment. Methodologies of pollution evaluation. – Case studies. Effects on aquatic organisms.    
  • Organic pollutants: Categories of pollutants such as Volatile and non-volatile halogenated hydrocarbons, plant protection products, antifouling paints etc. Fate and behavior of organic pollutants in the marine environment. Methodologies of assessment of pollution. -Case studies. Effects on aquatic organisms.   
  • Oil pollution. Types and characteristics of oil. Fate and behavior of oil spill in the marine environment. Techniques for treatment of oil spill. Management of oil wastes.  Environmental effects. Case studies.   
  • Special chapters: Dredged materials, solid wastes in the marine environment. Thermal pollution. 

(4) Teaching and Learning Methods - Evaluation



Use of Information and Communication Technology:
  • Use of ICT in teaching (PPT presentations) 
  • Communication with students via e-mail and e-class platform 
  • Uploading course material on e-class system. 
Teaching Methods:
ActivitySemester workload
Independent study of the course theory70
Final exam3
Course total125
Student Performance Evaluation:
  • Language of evaluation: Greek. 
  • In special cases, for students with disabilities, evaluation takes place via oral examination. 
  • The final student’s grade is defined by the final exam in the theory of the course  
  • Evaluation of students in the theory of the course takes place via final written exams. The exam paper comprises short-answer questions, open-ended questions, as well as multiple choice questions. The exam paper is accessible to the students for clarifications regarding the final grade. 

(5) Attached Bibliography

- Suggested bibliography: 

  • Φυτιάνος, Κ., 1996. Η Ρύπανση των Θαλασσών, Εκδ. University Studio Press, (Σελ. 337). 
  • Κουϊμτζής, Θ., Φυτιάνος, Κ., Σαμαρά-Κωνσταντίνου, Κ., 2004. Έλεγχος Ρύπανσης Περιβάλλοντος, Εκδ. University Studio Press, (Σελ. 386). 
  • Clark, R.B., 2001. Marine Pollution, Edn Oxford University Press, (Σελ. 237). 
  •  Harrison, Ρ.Μ., 1996. Pollution: Causes, Effects & Control, 3rd Edition, Royal Society of Chemistry (Σελ. 579). 
  •  Doerffer, J.W., 1992. Oil Spill Response in the Marine Environment, Edn Pergamon Press, (Σελ. 391). 

 Επιλεγμένα επιστημονικά άρθρα δημοσιευμένα σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά με Κριτές. 

Χρήσιμες Δ/νσεις: 


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